Kitchen Organising for Beginners with OXO Pop Containers | Matchbox

If you're one of those people who always think of decluttering your kitchen every time you walk into it, but have never gotten around to it, then this article is for you.

When you look at beautiful pantry goals,you might be thinking, "I'll never have the time to do that." We feel you — wanting to follow all the kitchen organising tips you find on the Internet can be overwhelming!

But guess what? We all start somewhere! The truth is, you don't need to take extreme measures to start working towards a cleaner, more organised home. In fact, better habits often come from changing your environment — so small changes to your surroundings can lead to big wins.

That's what we're here for. At Matchbox, we help you turn your kitchen into an enjoyable, relaxing part of the home. And it starts with getting on top of your kitchen organisation


Kitchen Organising for Beginners with OXO Pop | Matchbox

Photo: OXO Good Grips Pop 2.0 3-Piece Value Set 


Three Kitchen Organisation Tips for Beginners

1) Clean Out Your Pantry

We know purging your pantry requires pulling up your sleeves, but you truly deserve better than having forgotten foods wasting space in your kitchen cupboards.

When you do declutter your kitchen, it would be helpful to give your surfaces a quick wipe. Getting rid of sticky or sugar-littered surfaces will help you set up a clean slate, plus it doesn't even take that many cleaning supplies: just wiping with a damp cloth will do!

If time is scarce, you can always work your way through your kitchen week by week — for example, try doing one section of shelves every Sunday. Splitting your tasks can make it more manageable.

Read also: Your Guide to All Things Food Storage Containers  



2) Group & Categorise

A mistake people make when throwing away expired foods is putting their ingredients back to where it was. Because if you're pulling out expired foods from the depths of your pantry and kitchen drawers, it means you probably need a new organising system.

Placing your ingredients by category is key to avoiding many future headaches. For starters, why not try grouping your foods and ordering them based on their shelf life? For example, fruits and baked goods can belong to one end of the kitchen, while pasta and spice racks sit on the other end. The further left or right (or up the shelves) you go, the longer the shelf life of the foods.

Why do we suggest this method? Because it will give you peace of mind to know that you don't have random bits and pieces of food all around your kitchen that may expire any time. Channeling the urgency to specific designated parts of the kitchen, and moving gradually from it, will also help you manage which shelves you need to check more frequently than others. (That way, we're not constantly pulling those forgotten foods out of every corner of the kitchen.) 

Read also: How to Clean Your Kitchen

Kitchen Organising for Beginners with OXO Pop | Matchbox

Photo: OXO Good Grips Pop 2.0 4 Piece Mini Set


3) Start Small

Many people may recommend you to purchase hanging racks, lazy Susans, pull out drawer organisers, platform shelves, and large container sets. These things are great, but if the idea of investing in a whole container set feels daunting, start small!

Especially if you don't have time to measure every flat surface of your kitchen, we recommend going for a few compact food containers to store your smaller volume ingredients. This can be spices, nuts, chocolate chips, and more.The Oxo Pop 2.0 Mini Set is a great option for this — as it's made to keep dried herbs and spices organised and fresh, thanks to their airtight lids.

Once you start with smaller containers and can better gauge how much storage space is left to work with, you can upgrade to medium and larger containers for higher volume items, like sugar and flour.



To prevent mismatching your containers once you do take the step up, we recommend the rest of the Oxo Pop containers range. Lucky for you, they come in one of the widest varieties of sizes we've ever seen — we're talking big, square, short, tall, long... they have it all!

So whether it's precious counter space or your kitchen cabinets, chances are you'll find an Oxo Pop to fit and match. Above all, it can inspire you with more kitchen organisation ideas to trial with at home!

We hope this helps you kickstart your plan for organising your kitchen, to make space for what truly matters: you, your loved ones, and your favourite foods.

Get organised today with the help of Oxo Pop containers, everyone's trusted kitchen storage companion, available now at Matchbox online and in stores.

Happy spring cleaning!

The Matchbox Team

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